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Stonelaw High School

Home Economics and Technical
The Faculty is committed to providing a supporting environment that aids learning and teaching through stimulating and creative experiences to improve the outcomes of all young people.
We utilise the expertise of our staff to improve the problem solving, decision making and practical skills of our students. The Faculty strives to maintain high standards in the quality of the lessons we deliver and in our expectations of student work; developing self esteem and aspiration in young people.
The faculty plays a key role in developing Health and Wellbeing in young people in a practical and safe environment. Each aspect of our work has creative design work at its core. Our delivery of lessons develops the natural creativity that can be nurtured through developing skills, knowledge, techniques and providing structured opportunities for design. 
As a faculty we endeavour to develop an enthusiasm in food, textiles and hospitality through practical activities in the context of Home Economics.
Within the Technical Education aspect we develop an appreciation of the built environment, architecture, graphics product design and engineering contexts.
The breadth and depth of the curriculum in Stonelaw High is structured to enable all children and young people to thrive and achieve their full potential as learners and members of society.