Art & Design
Through art and design, learners have rich opportunities to be creative and to experience inspiration and enjoyment. They explore a wide range of two- and three-dimensional media and technologies through practical activities, and create, express, and communicate ideas. Their studies of the works of artists and designers enhance their enjoyment and deepen their knowledge and understanding.
Upcoming Deadlines and Important Dates for 2021/22
All expressive folio finished | Friday 28th January |
February Holiday | Monday 14th February |
February Holiday | Tuesday 15th |
February In-Service (students off) | Wednesday 16th February |
Design Folio | 31st January and Onwards |
Final Design - mounted | 1st April |
Easter Holiday | Friday 1st April - Tuesday 19th April |
Exam Prep | Tuesday 19th April and onwards |
Exams Start | 26th April |
Art Exam: Higher 9.00am - 10.15am Nat 5 - 9.00am - 10.00am |
Friday 27th May |
Supported study will take place every Monday and Wednesday.