Choose Kind
Our approach to promoting positive relationships is via our Choose Kind strategy. This strategy is underpinned by our school values of:
- Commitment
- Trust
- Respect
- Loyalty
- Ambition
We want all young people within Stonelaw to be able to develop respectful, trusting and confident relationships with their peers and adults within our school.
Choose Kind - strategies to promote positive relationships
- Promote an environment where pupils feel safe and equally values
- Adults modelling behaviour that is respectful, nurturing and caring
- Support young people to understand what bullying behaviour is and the impact this can have on others
- Give clear and consistent messages that bullying behaviour will not be tolerated in Stonelaw High School
- Raising awareness through the Choose Kind group that bullying is a choice
- Clear communication channels to report bullying behaviour e.g pupils, parents and staff
- Young people are well known by staff who can recognise changes in behaviour and offer support
- High quality learning and teaching which supports wellbeing in the classroom
- Providing opportunities and recognise pupil achievement to encourage school connectedness
- Pupils are aware of this policy and what their school is doing to keep them safe
Curriculum and enrichment activities
- Anti-Bullying lessons in Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
- Peer support programmes via peer mentors
- Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) Programme
- Choose Kind Ambassadors Programme (Staff and Pupil)
- Rights Respecting Schools Programme
- Use of communication channels to allow early confidential expressing of concerns to staff
- A structured staff training programme
- Annual Anti Bullying Week activities
- Regularly review this policy and its effectiveness
- Signposting Choose Kind messages throughout our school
We all play a key role in promoting positive relationships. Please find below links to key documents
One Stonelaw: Anti-bullying Policy
Choose Kind: Anti-bullying overview
Choose Kind: Understanding the different (bullying/conflict)
Choose Kind: Parent/Carer Roles and Responsibilities
One Stonelaw Self Referral Form
If you would like to speak to someone in Stonelaw High you can reach out to your Pupil Support Teacher, a Pathfinder or any teacher.
Another way you can access support is by self referring via our One Stonelaw Self Referral form which can be accessed below.